Bea, do you need to pee?
Hello, dear warm person that you are. I am a bit worried and would like to talk about it with you sometime. And no, don't be so contradictory. First, listen to what I want to tell you, Bea. Informal care is an unknown phenomenon according to Dr. Bernhard, he wrote a column in the professional journal for partnership early detection of dementia, perhaps you will learn from it.
The Log
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📚 English Version
'Informal caregivers efface themselves and are more concerned with the well-being of their loved ones than with their own health. They ask for care for themselves very late or not at all. This is the case with all informal caregivers and even more so within the Indian and Moluccas community, due to migration and the war past. I personally would like to take care of my 2nd mother when she gets older.
My sister Martha was an informal caregiver for my mother. My mother shared experiences with her that she did not share with her brother. My biological mother has been deceased for more than 10 years now. She died of lung cancer. She had smoked her whole life, and I notice that it still bothers me when I light up a cigarette. I was able to talk to my father about it once. But when my sister also isolated him, I never heard from my father again.
The loss that my sister Margarete provided informal care and didn't tell me anything any more. That hurts. I myself was also not granted that due to unpleasant family circumstances. Children want to be able to say goodbye to their parents. According to my sister Margarete, I was therefore not welcome at my own mother's cremation. I received a crumpled note from my father, sent by post. Three months after my mother died.
How it feels to hear that my mother had died in this way has hurt me a lot. Apparently I was no longer part of the family. I have not had any contact with my family since that time in the spring of 2013. The letter came unexpectedly, and I had just returned from Scotland, where I had just escaped death. Partly because of gossip and slander, they probably thought I had gone mad.
After my return from Scotland, my administrator received a letter from the Medical Brain Healthcare (GGZ) in Arnhem that I was schizophrenic. This rude and corrupt medical malpractice is a deception that the dogs would not eat. This letter with the report from the GGZ however, never seen, and it was never sent to my personal address. I also never spoke to a doctor who was supposed to be in charge of it.
It came to light during a lawsuit by the municipality that wanted to stop my income in the summer of 2013 because according to the Department of Work and Income, I had been abroad for 8 weeks without being reported. I almost fell off my chair in surprise and anger. There you are, and then you have to defend yourself against a corrupt lawsuit. At the municipality of Arnhem, they knew very well that I had been in Scotland, and why. I just didn't report it correctly. It was and still is enough to make me feel sick. These are personal memories, so I try to convey how it was and how it feels. As this page, Bernhard-memoirs shows.
I have also never seen or spoken to my children, I have two sons, since 2010. But they are still your children. I now know from medical literature that within psychiatry, it is a common revenue model to also influence the families of those who are being treated in such a way that a next wave of treatments can arise, with which they generate income with corrupt certificates and reimbursements within the insurance industry.
And then you have to think about the salary of a Psychiatrist on duty, which is around 260,000, - per year. The management and the boards of directors of the insurance industry also earn massively from these corrupt medical certificates. In 2020, I described, among other things, a medical neurological thesis in which these matters were scientifically substantiated.
The trauma that is created within the mental health care system out of nothing is also transferred to the next generation. Children of victims within the mental health care system have thus become a target group in themselves to provide the corrupted health care system with sufficient income. For those who find it normal to enjoy a rich life above the standard of living in this sickening way.
Fortunately, Beatrix is not yet being treated by Doctor Bernhard's practice assistant, but he does give her advice. But it doesn't help. When she is told to take time for herself, she thinks: 'What do you mean? I'm healthy, damn it. What does Bernhard think he is?
Hi Bea, do you need to pee?
Come on, I'll help you. It doesn't matter, I'll dry the bed again. It doesn't matter at all, I'm here for you anyway. Shall I bring you another glass of water or a cup of tea, or would you like something to eat? Yes, Madeline called, yes. No, Dad is no longer alive. I am Bernhard, your adopted son. It doesn't matter, I do love you. Just like Margret who visited you this afternoon, don't you remember? Oh, gosh Oh gosh dear person, it doesn't matter at all. Come on, then I'll help you with your support stockings. We'll go for a walk in the garden this afternoon.