Forwarded to the Municipality of Arnhem
13 Feb 2017
The Log
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So if I understand correctly and read your written words in encryption..
''It is also not good that I work on Sunday. You are right it is the 14th, so next Tuesday. So you deliberately withheld that letter from the Municipality of Arnhem. In addition, you deliberately and mistakenly mentioned an incorrect date and are also trying to sow confusion??
Since? How should I interpret that, Rob? And don't come up with spelling or typing errors, because you don't make them. See Nie See Schaak MaT
Why have you been withholding my personal mail in this way for years? You withhold all mail that is intended for me. I never, ever receive mail from you about the contracts I have concluded, for example with regard to the energy bill from NUON or the final settlement from Vitens regarding my water consumption. Insurance papers and associated policies. In addition, you have never sent me a bank statement in which you account for it. The only thing you send is a cumulative Excel sheet with which you think you meet your obligations.
Have you made it known numerous times in the past years since 2012 that I want to get my own administration back, but you have also withheld those letters to the court? Time and again, you do not want to cooperate. It remains silent when I ask questions, ask difficult questions. Countless unanswered emails, in which you do not want to answer me. Emails in which you demonize me, and commit a rudeness bordering on segregation, just like today's email in which you, with a very narcissistic, Mephistophelian streak, the XL mode devour the Humanitarian intelligence and human dignity of your own clients as a cannibalistic meal.
What is the real reason, Rob? Why you do not want to cooperate with me in a decent and amiable way? Am I your bread? After all, it is quickly earned 114 euros per month per client, of which probably 20% of your clients rightly have a protective administration and 80% via ALT fees and LST Feces, unmixed whether or not they are now able to conduct their own administration, communication and defence.
I point out to you again that at the time I myself had requested protective administration because of the then WSNP protection scheme on the advice of the then curator Mr. van Striep, so that I could show the Court at the time that I took the WSNP scheme seriously in order to end this construction again when achieving a clean slate after my successful termination of the Wsnp. And even at the time you never informed me of this or otherwise informed me of it. Also, deliberately WITHHOLDER just like everything else that is important to my personal life. Like the corrupt letter that the mental health service sent to you in 2013, but never to me after my return from Scotland. This after I was wrongly detained for almost 40 days without accusation or charge, and only after 34 days was I given the right to speak to a lawyer.
After which I was finally released after 38 days. As if bitten by a vicious dog, when I got home I also received an unjustified, unnecessary, stigmatizing, sickening care indication that I would be schizophrenic. I wondered how that is possible if you have not spoken to a doctor or anyone else in 2013. My last contacts with the demotivating, pushy, moralistic Freud family date from the first months of 2012. And to date I have not had any contact with any mental health service institution whatsoever. After all, there is no longer any need for care. I would like to point out to you again that you paid my own Risco of 345 for the year 2013 with health insurer Menzis. I already let you know that at the time. I did not receive any care in 2013 and did not visit a doctor or otherwise use care.
Yet an invoice for 2013 arrived at Menzis. You transferred this blindly without verifying it with me. CYP3A4 I have also been unfairly financially stripped by the Freud family and their Multidisciplinary guideline development as a repressive instrument for the need of the ruling class to declare healthy critical non-conformist Pagan and Philosophically different thinking 'spirits sick', in order to then chase them without conscience, call them confused and milk them where possible. In all levels of our unhealthy care providers, including Spierings' administration. In which people like me have been financially unfairly trapped for years in a true reign of terror. Without any perspective or a fair legal process being offered. Where requests and letters to the Court have been or are being swept under the carpet.
In my case, the Multidisciplinary guideline has been abused as a corrupt instrument for the ruling class' need to also push political opponents or those who think differently out of the field. This is a daily reality in many countries, including the Netherlands. This was the reason why I ended up in Scotland in January 2013. If necessary, I will explain this in much more depth and detail and, if necessary, go into detail about why things went the way they did at the time. So that I can defend myself in an honest and responsible manner, if necessary, against these unnecessarily stigmatizing, sickening care indications.
Dear Mr. R.G.J.M. Spierings,
I hereby request you once again very urgently to indicate to the
Court Division of Civil Law / Canton
Dept. Insolvencies
Postbus 9008, 7200 GJ Zutphen
that for several years I have had the explicit wish to be allowed to bear my own financial responsibility again. After all, I was given a clean slate in 2012. But since then I have only been thwarted, discriminated against and stigmatized by you and others. To what end, Rob?
In addition, I request the Dear Mr. R.G.J.M. Spierings to send me the following documents by post this week:
Copy of the Court decision under initial position.
Bank statements of the last 3 months with additional balance.
FBTO Insurance policies and the last Healthcare Policy from Menzis.
The letter that the GGZ sent in 2013 after my return from Scotland.
And all other relevant documents that could possibly be of importance to support my application. It is crazy that the Arnhem community loses more than 1600 euros of Arnhem tax money per client annually to administrators who wrongly and against all honesty insist on protection, administration to protect their own economic bread and grossly harm the rights of affected clients. You are a great disgrace.
If you do not wish to comply with this very urgent, yet sincere request for information, or if you do not wish to or cannot respond to my questions, wishes and/or comments, you may justify this to the municipality of Arnhem, the Court and to my Lawyer why, in your opinion, I do not possess rights that are basically very amiable for any right-thinking person.
With Kind Regards,
Bernhard Hol
Never received an answer³