The Reformed Newspaper
The Reformatorisch Dagblad is a Dutch Protestant newspaper with a circulation of around 60,000, headquartered in Kampen. The newspaper contained a call to make known what people are up against in the benefits affair. Hence this letter.
The Letter
📚 Dutch Version
📚 English Version
To the Reformed Newspaper Sunday 09 January 2022
Good morning. As I was searching for words to express myself to proclaim the gospel of Christ, through the love of the Lord, my heart became sacredly full of Ambrose of Milan, venerated as Saint Ambrose. He was the bishop of Milan.
Saint Ambrose was a theologian and statesman. He expressed himself prominently as a public figure, fiercely promoting the Latin Church against Arianism and paganism. His message was for me, full of inspiration and motivation. Witch ramifications bring me to some questions.
Attached is my living expenses substantiation,
According to Mr. Spierings I am not able to handle my own income. What is also important is that I am part of his Bread. Monthly the Municipality pays 129,- p/m X 400 clientele X 200 corrupt administrators ..
My life goal is not to have too much, in the sense of not aspiring to anything materialistic, except that my life goal is to be proud as a righteous Christian. A true Christian does not live for himself, he lives in Christ and for his neighbor, otherwise he is not a Christian, but more a deceiver of his own egoism.
Neighborhoods like Spierings in Malden and North End Nijmegen do not rely on formal police checks or on the kinds of strong social ties that exist within families in the rural village. Neighbors and passers-by on the street are not necessarily friends or even acquaintances.
Have also serious doubts on the name Rob Spierings. Did research in 2017 and it turned out to be very easy to file fictitious names and apply for them at the corrupt ministry. For the BV Netherlands, everything was possible...
A raison of 840 euro.
Next week I will submit more emails, I would like people to read about the distant relationships between me and this overfed fat Gore toad. 140 kilos clean on the hook. Brulls 2 same class same size. Hundreds of questions in the past decades never answered the questions... on January 2 an email asking for the meter reading of the water level
Since 2009 he has never congratulated me on my birthday. Never a Christmas card or other wishes..
He is Condescendingly sick.
Narcissistic personality disorder
DSM IV ripe for therapy Mesdag clinic.
I have not received any information or other information about the balance of my main account for 13 years. All mail from all my administration has become still life I never receive mail. Everything is arranged in such a way that I do not gain insight from anything not from my insurances not from my energy consumption not from my current affairs. Never and never answer other than that I have to ask for it somewhere.
Keep clients isolated as much and as deeply as possible, that is the strategy. Letters from and to the Court no access no answers no comment. The fact that clients have no autonomy gives the administrator all power. They walk over dead bodies. They eat more than 1400 euros per year X 400 clients from every living corpse. Why would they help to provide clients with autonomy if that would ruin their own core business?
Everything has been legally legalized and until recently was also coordinated with the corrupt GGZ. The discussion about chasing confused people, the schizophrenic corruption is and was so disgusting. Even in court.
Everything for the BV Netherlands..
Only if you own Minerva shares..
So far..
You have permission to do with it what you think you can do as a Christian daily newspaper.
Bernhard Hol
The newspaper contained a call to make known what people are up against in the benefits scandal. Hence this letter. I never received a reply to my e-mail and was kept silent. Undesirable and undesirable for this damned sickening newspaper to appear with unwelcome notes about our class society.
The Reformatorisch Dagblad could easily have a branch in one of the South African Townships. Slavery and Apartheid have been worshipped by the Reformed congregations and their daily newspaper posters in the Provinces of Holland since the VOC.