Story Tabloid Press

According to specific sources within the family of Bernhard's in-laws, the divorce between Elizabeth Johanna Verpoort and Dirk Jan Bernhard Hol in 2006 would have been the result of Bernhard's excessive drinking.

The Log
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Jealousy, gossip and slander could have fuelled these allegations, but our anonymous source states that Bernhard would have seriously neglected his two children. According to our own research, one of the children would have become involved in crime. This family drama within Bernhard's former family is a heavy burden on the mental health of Bernhard's former in-laws. Our new King is clearly struggling with this. It is therefore questionable whether he can process all of this well.

He has come to a precarious balance between his mental resilience and resilience. His words in passing, his confessions in the interview with Annemiek, speak volumes and tons full of nostalgia and regret. Professor of Neurology Bets van der Takken of Tilburg University is concerned about Bernhard's mental state. Bets van der Takken has dictated a memorandum in a research report to Leiden University, which our editors have been able to get their hands on.

In the memorandum, Bets van der Takken writes that it is very likely that the symptoms that Bernhard carries are risk-dependent in the event of deterioration, of the various conditions. Van der Takken points to the research of the UMC Utrecht, in which it was investigated at what stage the brain deteriorates. This seems to be earlier than previously thought.

The question is therefore not only when the complications occur in Bernhard's brain, but especially to which conditions Bernhard could be sensitive and susceptible in his personal battle against schizophrenic delusions. After his alcohol addictions, Princess Beatrix's secret Lover Boy struggles with Parkinson's-like tremors, which as it were represented the vibrations that flow through the love apparatus of the appetizing Amalia.

Bernhard's entrance into the Royal family is a gift for Princess Beatrix, who suffers Dementia, dares to discuss the pain and sorrow of the loss of her son Johan Friso again after her pitch-black years. The loss, the sorrow, the emptiness, her immense loneliness. The mourning over the double loss of her deceased husband with whom she shared her life for so long, Prince Claus and their beloved son Johan Friso, the former Queen of the Netherlands feels butterflies in her stomach for the first time. She clearly feels like a woman again.

However, it is very questionable whether our former Queen of the Netherlands is wise to share her heart and soul with her lover boy Bernhard who, despite his schizophrenic delusions, graduated from the University of Amsterdam. Where Bernhard successfully obtained his Bachelor's degree in Biomedical Sciences in 2020.

His research thesis on medical abuses in hospitals was the guiding principle for his graduation. His research results were published in 'Cold Has Come', in which fragments of the research were published publicly to expose the medical abuses within hospitals.

A second opinion of his medical admission was reportedly consulted in 2022 by order of Prince Bernhard junior from the illegitimate daughter of Prince Bernhard and Greet Hofmans. According to our source, the indications are within the Jehovah's Witness family in Amsterdam. However, we cannot mention our source and her name at the time of going to press for our dear weekly magazine.


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