Letter behind the scene
Letter behind the scene
The Log
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Mail To Lawyers
Hiss Royal Highness
The Empire of Zederlarz
Dirk Jan Bernhard Hol
Wien 02 Nov 2015 19.29
To: Advocaten Kantoor Knoops, Moskowitch- Law,
Cc: Spierings,
Bcc: Ban ki Moon, United Nations
Sub: Minister President Mark Rutte, Algemene Zaken.
Dear Gentlemen of our Collective of Lawyers,
Despite dozens of emails to Spierings, he has to this day proven to be blind, deaf and disabled in my questions. Despite all interventions and reminders, this corrupt swindler has still not provided me with insight into the many questions I have asked over the past 6 years.
I would like to point out that this course of events is indigestible to me. It can never be the intention of our constitutional state that citizens are deprived of justice. You know that I have now filed several letters with just as many requests with the court. The Dutch constitutional state has also proven to be blind, deaf and disabled in my questions.
Strangely enough, court documents disappear under the dirty carpet of the Public Prosecution Service. I would like to point out that this course of events is indigestible to me. It can never be the intention of our constitutional state that citizens are deprived of justice.
This makes me feel compelled to seek publicity. I hereby request once again urgently and with Urgency to charge the Dutch Supreme Court with High Treason. The Dutch Supreme Court falls under the responsibility of the Dutch State. Minister of Justice Klaas Dijkhof in the first line.
The highest responsibility falls under Prime Minister Mark Rutte. This concerns General Affairs.
Hoping to have sufficiently informed the General Lawyers Collective of the Netherlands.
Yours sincerely,
Bernhard Hol