EU Root Pad

March 2017

The EU have to face the truth

The Log
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You can’t count on anything in Brussels until it’s done, and nothing’s done yet so far. This EU transformation process is about much more than just changing the law. Progress has been slow, and many difficult challenges lie ahead, but most analysts agree that a step in the right direction has been taken.

The moment is near that EU have to face with the truth

Showed that when the formal rules created by such structures, their transforming behaviour follows from their phonological shape. It is also not necessary to stipulate a morphological difference between prefixes and suffixes beyond the obvious fact that prefixes must be attached to the EU.

To make the new EU more effective, government officials need to learn a different style of public management that is capable of involving the public in a more constructive way. The mistakes in the past and are not likely to be effective in the new order.

Abandonment and depression really can exist. They’re problems that are independent of a poor economy or lousy, corrupt EU governance. You don’t need to turn everything and everybody around to change a self-image. You just need to go to the tipping point where the momentum of the Empire takes it over.

Don’t think there was one particular asset or one particular community development play, but actually that network connectivity across disciplines, across vocations, across the public-private divide. That led the EU into a full new recovery mode.

Looking back at the projects you’ve undertaken with various governments, what seems to be the biggest misconception about how it should work in the EU. This transformation process is much more than just changing the law. It means the end of all existing Law’s inside the EU. You just need to go to the tipping point where the momentum of the Empire takes it over.

It is about transforming a deeply rooted historical and culture misunderstanding of mis-governance.

Personally, I am thinking that Statesmen and EU Governments who argue that conservation must focus on making arguments very similar to those made by their historical failures, early in the twentieth century.

It’s all about transforming a deeply rooted culture of mis-governance.

Cecilia Cicoria
EU Root Pad


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