Dutch Cabinet 2017 Live
Good Morningm, Ronald
March 2017
The Letter
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📚 English Version
Ronald Plasterk Minister of the Interior Dutch Kingdom Relations since November 5, 2012 in the Cabinet Rutte II. Can you explane wy the interior of the Dutch Kingdom strongly needs to renovate? And what have you done to prevent all these terrible mess?
Ronald Plasterk Minister of the Interior Dutch Kingdom Relations have said; “protect inexperienced newcomers from hasty agreements and prevent the breakaways of brazen soloists.”
Prevent the breakaways of brazen soloists?
So this is the Cabinet policy not to offer other people like me any freedom? Is that Ronald Plasterk, a reason to deprive people of their freedom to speak given the life hacks in my life over the last 9 years? Freedom to dispose of my own assets. The Freedom to dispose of my own life the attacks in the Deadcamps? Countless times against my will admitted to various Deadcamp Clinics. In fifteen meeting rooms, half a morning was wasted year in year out on my case alone. I have been in the news for years. Without people knowing it.
So Ronald Plasterk, why are you in this Corrupted Tent. A man of your stature?
A man with a considerable scientific background who knows everything about the Hat and the Brim down to the bottom knows Ronald Plasterk what was going on in the Hospitals. And yet you take a seat in this Terrible Dictatorship Cabinet of Rutte 2 Can you explain to me Ronald why? For your Media Lust? And then you have to look at the exuberant atmosphere in the Trevezaal. This while hundreds of thousands die of Poverty every day.
2010-10-15 12:55:11 THE HAGUE – The first meeting of the cabinet council of the new cabinet will take place in the Treves Hall in The Hague on Friday. ANP VALERIE KUYPERS
Can you explain why? For your Media Horniness? Ronald's answer was "I'm there to put out fires and prevent worse. In politics you have left and right. In the Party it works the same way, you have a left wing and a right wing. The majority decides."
Then you resign if you don't like it Ronald? You can't justify what the Right Wing has on its conscience? Then you resign 150 members of parliament if people are murdered if dictatorship is being practiced why doesn't anyone resign? Is it the money? 2 tons a year to fill your pockets and see others like me dump? Is that why you are there for the stage?
Why have you 150 members of parliament all with premeditated advice created an underclass? Just to be able to freely exploit these somewhat less gifted people? So that Animals can then continue to pick on them with all kinds of companies that have to do with care and welfare?
And then the chasing of welfare mothers with children and parents who are being cut from their meager income while on the other hand the BV legislation is set up in such a way that you can arrange tons of subsidies and tax refunds if you only did Minerva or Windsheim or another corrupt education.
This while you have also saddled our students with a sky-high debt for an education that means nothing. Only for the sake of profit for your own interests. Your supporters profit from subsidies and created jobs to defraud students, milk them and dry them off with 20,000 euros of debt, which they will not be able to get rid of in the first 10 years of their working life. Let alone that they could start a family and buy a house. It is finger-licking good, so filthy, so sickening policy that you should all be ashamed of yourself.
And then the hate speech against Muslims, the setting up of other forms of civilization against each other. This multicultural society has suffered terribly in the last 20 years and has been called everything and anything. This while Muslims are the most peaceful people in our society. Burned away by your dictatorship of hate and envy. Yes very very,, Racist to call it. How dare you still speak about the corrupt Dutch High-level freedoms when you treat such population groups in a horrible way, spit them out and call them rotten fish? You have screwed 150 members of parliament and various Dutch cabinets like a bunch of wild pigs.
This is you in The Hague a filthy, filthy, stinking Pigsty. Imagine sitting there in Parliament and having to face me. I'll give you all a note that there will be nothing left of you when I've finished speaking. I'll fillet you all to the bone. Pull the skin behind your ears and cut you completely loose. Bunch of sick, filthy Pigs that you all are.
How does it feel when you've passed Shame and you get involved in corruption on the Political battlefield? Bitter, filthy, nasty, unsavory, unclean, filthy, dirty, filthy, disgustingly filthy, obscene, scabrous, slanted, obscene, filthy, dirty, messy, filthy, sloppy, polluted, grimy, dingy, unsavory. You all stink for 25 hours out of the wind. Have you been rocking in the Shit in Parliament and nicely filling the coffers?
In addition, there are countless Corruption-soaked lawsuits where no justice has been done but Hatred in dozens of cases in the Public Prosecution Service in the last 25 years. People are in prison UNFAIRLY, their lives have been destroyed!! Hundreds of thousands have died of Cancer and other sickening Corruption. My case alone is really not up for discussion here. There are thousands of people like me But who cannot speak as I do. I speak for them too. Not only in the Netherlands but also worldwide, millions of people are the victims of this most filthy deception of the people that humanity has ever produced.
Even during the Second World War the German Regime was not as strict as you all have created for a Monster of death. A security satta where the Right of the strongest applies. It is just like in the animal world it is eat or be eaten. There is no human dignity to be found let alone any form of intelligence in the filthy animals. Those who cannot provide for their own food are eaten away, burned out of society. There is no place for all these less gifted people and they are chemically murdered by pills and other chemical additives that have been administered by hundreds of thousands of corrupt doctors.
People with Children who have lost them people with family members who have been amputated of limbs and other deformities. The whole cancerous Cancer industry Blood Flesh Economics with the Perturbative QFT and the interaction picture that has earned thousands of billions from it. Millions of people have been murdered. Millions of people have gone homeless and inglorious and have been taken away from their desperate family members.
The Netherlands has been destroyed by 25 years of mismanagement, corruption and scandalous cruel dictatorship, imagine being in politics and in the House of Representatives. The First Chamber. These senators of advanced age hold numerous side jobs that do serve dozens of interests but never the interests of the honest citizen. And the salaries that are paid for nothing they receive more than 2 tons. For what? Only showing up when the TV camera is called in. The First Chamber has been a gang of fraudsters since its inception. It is clearly written in black and white in its job description that the Government must be monitored for its task
That the legislation meets all the requirements set by the Constitution. In the last 25 years, not a single law has been written that meets the Constitution if you adhere to the standards and values that every person gets in their life, if he or she would have read the Bible once. However, on the benches of the Senators there are no Bibles but hard pornographic magazines wrapped in despicable laws with which they have raped society in a terrible way.
The draft texts that have been delegated by the Council of State to the Provincial States are also of a despicable self-enrichment. For 20 years there has been no question of what influence the Provincial States could exercise on the regional development of areas that are being developed in the field of economy to road and water management. Everything is arranged from the back room of the Prime Minister on duty.
This expense item is gigantic if you take into account the sluggish and corrupt civil servant policy. Tens of billions are wasted annually on aimless salaries, company cars and bonuses to keep the mouth shut. Arranged in the backroom politics, the filthy fat eating of the CNV, the VNO-NCW and the FNV. Everything and everyone plays under a hat of FTalism in writing Falsehood of real sincere loyalty to the defenseless Dutch people who have been backwardly despised in a terrible way, weaned and crushed. As if a bulldozer is being driven over bodies and minds and a shovel from Heijboer is following behind to immediately push you underground.
The army had to come in countless times to call you to order. You have been under arrest for 4 years since 2014 at WAPO NATO policy that is imposed by the Superpowers when things threaten to go wrong. The number of times I have rung the BELL in the Trevezaal and internally at Institutions is countless.
That's how I really feel now and I have tears in my eyes knowing that millions of children are dying of hunger War and children are dying of unimaginable cruelty in the world. And you, God damn it, don't lift a finger to other poor countries, only think about your own big fat Mercedes and your filthy fat shack. And then you also block Bernhard's assets that I have promised to charities, you are completely ashamed of yourself with you ...!!!!
There is no escape anymore The army has quietly taken over the authority in recent months. Our hospitals have all been cleared out and the corrupt doctors have all been detained or are under house arrest. No one in the Netherlands or elsewhere in the world escapes his or her punishment if criminal acts have been committed. Public Fair Justice cases will be brought against anyone who has misbehaved or otherwise enriched themselves. This includes, besides the Corrupt Doctors, also Corrupt Managers in Healthcare, Corrupt Managers of the Banking Industry, Corrupt Managers who had managed to worm their way into a position in all the intermediate layers of our rotten society and did nothing.
Only and only their title as Bailiff, Notary or other official were and have never served the Netherlands other than that they have enriched themselves and their filthy friends in politics with scandalous Salary Rates and other levies that were implemented unconstitutionally. The Judges and Officials of the Public Prosecution Service will also have to answer for themselves before our Military Court. You all know the images of the Nuremberg Trials after the Second World War.
This is of the same order and of the same suit. The world is entering a very very dark Period in which there will be a very hard justice and where the death penalty will be pronounced thousands of times. Public Executions for those who may call themselves mass murderers after killing hundreds of patients in hospitals. You can be assured that these (Unhumans) will get their just reward when Justice is spoken to those who have fallen from us as victims in our warm social society.
No One Touches the Authority
No One Touches the Royal Authority
Signed, Beatrix & Bernhard