Berkel's Syndrome
February 2017
The Letter
📚 Dutch Version
📚 English Version
Diagnosis Life Clamp,
In my previous contribution we had stopped at the Unclamp diagnosis on bH neutral values. In order to understand the unclamp properly, underlying knowledge is needed, which enables people to enter into an equal connection in a constructive way. My vision of care as an expert by experience in mental health care is:
“that there are few or no equal connections at all.”
This is why many treatments fail. Including mine at the time. We all know the classic “The Friendship and alienation in the disturbed relationship between Freud and Jung.”
Possessiveness in the desire to dominate the other is steeped in a disgusting narcissism. This wrong approach ‘in my opinion, is to a large extent the reason why the treatment of psychiatric patients has been mishandled on a large scale worldwide. It can and must never be that Economic malpractice, which is linked to the creation of inhumane treatments and which leads to 'crimes against humanity', dominates the treatment of people like you and me.
Treatments on an equal level are many times more successful than when there is an unequal relationship on the scale of 5. In unequal communication negative interactions arise, see to it that the opposite goal is achieved.
Perturbative QFT and the interaction picture
Much of the qualitative descriptions of the standard model in terms of “particles” and “forces” comes from the perturbative quantum field theory view of the model. In this, the Langrangian is decomposed as {L} + {L} = 1 leads to {L0} into separate free field and interaction Langrangians.
“Where a familiar expression has a metaphorical content, it is importend not to use it in such a way that incongruous metaphors collide”
The free fields care for particles in isolation, whereas processes involving several particles arise through interactions. The idea is that the state vector should only change when particles interact, meaning a free particle is one whose quantum state is constant. This corresponds to the interaction picture in quantum mechanics.
Samyag drishti
De praktijk van het Edele achtvoudige Pad. Ook wel bekend als het Hart van Boeddha’s Leer.
Thich Nhat Hanh
Om het pad van Samyag drishti succesvol te kunnen vinden is een andere formule nodig die onder meer gebaseerd is op Nigels fantasy. “Het syndroom van Berkel”
To flesh out the word recognition model (McCleland & Rumelhart, 1981, Rumelhart & McCleland 1986) we’ll use a model that recognitions four letter words, such as the word Tree. We start with some of the basic of Connectionism, including some of the special vocobulairity you will encounter in this approach.
Tabel 3-1 provides a list of basic elements to succeed your goals as you read table 3-9 frequently when you read the next section. The W and Z bosons (together known as the weak bosons or, less specifically, the intermediate vector bosons) are the elementary particles that mediate the weak interaction; their symbols are W+, W-, and Z.
These Elements come’s from a simple, but effective standard model in modern physics. It connect borders, waters and interact with the recognition of some water problems that people have in there lives. The standard model is a quantum field theory, meaning its fundamental objects are quantum fields which are defined at all points in spacetime.
These fields are
the fermion field, ?, which accounts for “matter particles”;
the electroweak boson fields W_1, W_2, W_3, and B;
the gluon field,
the Higgs field, f.
When hydrogen molecules correspond with each other, visible interference patterns are created. With which mental and physical influences merge almost seamlessly. It provides a sufficient increase in subatomic particles that can be found in the fields of “scalar parapsychology”.
To explain in a simpler way, we can see the effect of the electroweak interaction by picking out terms from the Lagrangian. We see that the SU(2) symmetry acts on each (left-handed) fermion doublet contained in ?,
where the particles are understood to be left-handed,
This is an interaction corresponding to a “rotation in weak isospin space” or in other words, a transformation between eL and ?eL via emission of a W- boson. The U (1) symmetry, on the other hand, is similar to electromagnetism, but acts on all “weak hypercharged” fermions (both left and right handed) via the neutral Z0, as well as the charged fermions via the photon.
This Formula description is The Scientific underlying field to arrive at the multidimensional reality of creation and manifestation. It is a Blueprint to arrive at success in those fields that are important to recognize, which problems are underlying when working on the basis of equality in the Relationship between “Freud and Jung” to restore the disturbed relationship.
My remark “that there are few or no equal connections at all.” within the Mental Health Care I therefore now consider to have substantiated to be able to confidently assume that the relationship between Patient and Doctor must be improved by removing the disgusting narcissism that often prevails. Because many Doctors do not understand the “Perturbative QFT and the interaction picture” well? or do not want to understand? I would therefore like to advocate for more attention in the education eb & further training of Doctors in Communications in Contemporary Mathematical on Physics.
In my previous contribution I wrote that I would also provide my own diagnosis of my problems. There is a lack of indications given. Which ones are sensitive and painful. Derogatory and damaging and very presumptuous. Arising from a total lack of awareness of human dignity. Schizophrenia.
Killing of the jazz
Plays mothers chess
Like a Fthee wind
Softly killing me at a$$
Hi Dick,
I read in your emails that you are not doing well. I have already asked you to contact your therapists!? It is necessary to prevent worse.
I have nothing more to add. Only that this does not only concern me. Hundreds of thousands of people are being cropped and shaved bald in the Netherlands alone. It is beastly, yes. Worldwide Millions of casualties, the regression of the (non) Democratic Legal Order has deteriorated into Nazi states.