A New Refrigerator

The Letter
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From: Bernhard Hol <d.j.bernhard.hol@gmail.com>

Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2024, 08:23

Subject: Bernhard

To: <info@spieringsbewindvoering.nl>

Hi Rob,

I have been thinking about the things I might want to do because there is a budget surplus. But before I want to say anything about that, I would like to get something off my chest, which is on my mind. What should I do with more than thirteen thousand euros in debit on the savings balance, bearing in mind the boundary conditions, that the limit for my income is set at 15,150 equity?

This makes me think. Something that I also wanted to discuss with you a few years ago, but for which I have not had a transparent picture of income and expenditure to this day.

It is a given that on my monthly bank statement, your costs are booked as expenditure on my part. But isn't it the case that these costs are transferred directly by the municipality, either partly or entirely, to your company?

If that is correct, then this is certainly a dubious, but positive accounting accounts receivable administration? €1506 fixed costs that were credited for 2023, but in fact are not. Where I am entitled to honest accounting and payment. These substantive statements are all the more so because you indicated that there is no room for an increase in my weekly budget. And that is simply not correct.

According to my calculation, an amount of €2025 remained from my income last year over the bank items. I have studied all the overviews of the bank items. Added and subtracted. A balance of positive surplus, unpaid debit. With the dark side of the accounting processing of the 1506 analogy added on top of that. (Your costs, partially or fully) That means that a total amount of €3531 has been artificially calculated and not paid out in my account, over the year 2023. Not to mention the previous years.

Perhaps you can still remember the news item from last month. The lady did not do enough shopping. But here in the mirror it is symmetrically about the remaining debit balances. After all, the thirteen thousand euros come from somewhere. In my considerations it is therefore not tenable to state that there is no room for an increase in the weekly budget. Also in addition to the fact that my income has increased for the year 2024. With all due respect Rob, but Spierings administration also increases the costs for management annually in line with inflation, doesn't it?

After all, it is my debit, not your current account. An increase to 120 is reasonable, after all, inflation simply continues. Life is expensive. Do you want to ask for confidence in the space to be able to make my own choices easier in part. To be able to make simple things possible. A cup of coffee with a friend or just go to the cinema or museums. Maybe go out for a meal sometime. An extension of my weekly budget simply means for me a little more freedom of choice & an improvement in living standards for a simple, calm life, as I like to love it myself.

After all, it is up to me to do something with the assets that belong to me. But then they must be made payable. I sincerely feel that I am being neglected about this, Rob. What use is all that savings to me if I cannot live a little more simply with it?

So much for the things on my liver, the subordinated debit credits Rob, healthy critical not negative but to clarify for myself. I would like to have insight into things. It is not because I miss your services faithfully. On the contrary, I have long since got over it. My life is in peace and simplicity. Let us continue to work together to strengthen the trust in the collaboration. I wish that for myself, but also for you.

Then something about the things that I might want to do because it is available in the budget. Durable goods mostly because I also need them, where they are worn out or broken or aspire to, simple things, no excess.

I would like to buy a new refrigerator. The one I would like to have costs 289,- My current one is old and from 2008, guzzles energy and the freezer section is broken. It really needs to be replaced.


Because my refrigerator is built into the kitchen, I have to break some things to be able to demolish the old one. Everything is made up and blindly fixed to a plateau and adapted cupboard built and tiled by myself, sideways from the refrigerator, where my gas hob is on. (see the photos.) Because of this, I need some extra material. +/- 150 See what I need to restore the kitchen in its entirety, to make it presentable again.

Furthermore, I want a new bed mattress 90x200 at 359.00. The old mattress is also from 2008 when I moved into my house. In the meantime, a worn-out steel spring thing. Sometimes I wake up with back pain. I sink too far. And I have spots from the rings on my skin. That thing urgently needs replacing.


You can order both the refrigerator and mattress for me if you agree. Would you please indicate when ordering that they can take the old refrigerator and mattress with them when delivering them?

Furthermore. Durable goods. Will come later, somewhere in February if you agree.

Duvet covers and bedding

+/- € 200

Curtains & Roller blinds kitchen +/- € 300

Paint, wall paint & accessories, I still have to specify. +/- € 300

Laminate with cover slats for the bedrooms. 24m³. +/- € 20 per m³ the requested comes to or around € 600 Will come in the spring. If I know if you agree then I can search and then you can order. I will do the laying myself.

Had you written to maybe buy something new in terms of furniture. But on second hand, I do not want a new sofa. I find them too expensive, and new is not sustainable. I would like to look for a second hand one. Sometimes there is something nice for little, sometimes not. If I see something, I will let you know in the coming months. My budget here is € 200 at 2 switch or elsewhere. That is sufficient for my living room wishes.

I prefer camping. Is it possible to agree on a sustainable, healthy holiday budget for this year from my credits? Apart from my holiday allowance in May. Let's say for this year € 400 for camping nights. I am not going on holiday but would like to cycle several times for 2 or 3 days when the weather is nice with one or two nights per trip, to broaden my cycling circle and horizon a bit. It is bikepacking. I book the camping night at trekkers rates and then send you the voucher. With a max budget of 400. This would allow me to finance 15/20 nights this year to cycle along the coast by the sea or to Limburg or Friesland.

A small amount of my credits spendable on something like a mini budget holiday. Knowing that I haven't had a holiday for more than fifteen years. That would make me very happy. Last year I was able to realize my camping equipment and do some trial runs. But camping is too expensive if I had to pay for it from my limited weekly budget. That's why I would like an overnight budget for this. I will then take the other expenses for myself. But please note, the requested camping budget is separate from my holiday allowance in May. Which I would like to see fully paid for.

My costs and wishes are, in all simplicity, still reasonably limited. Perhaps you can tell me later whether there is perhaps some budget left to buy an electric bicycle. I will be 60 next year and will still have too much surplus of remaining debit. After all, it is up to me to do something with the credits that belong to me. Given the fact of the aforementioned 15,150 equity limit. Mrs.'s income suddenly stopped, remember? The news report of last month It is then necessary that we sink in a bit.

Not that I really aspire to an electric bike with my legs. I am satisfied and happy with my current bikes. It is just exploring the budgetary space of the debit balances that are still left. My current bikes are in good condition. As mentioned, I have maintained them and used the requested budget in November last year. See collage of current condition. New gears, tires, chains and such. Honest, transparent and accountable. This also shows you what I spent my paid-out debit on in November last year. As agreed, on maintenance for my bikes. For the rest, I don't love it that much. Cycling and the hobby itself is just a great experience.

For now, lastly Rob, but urgent, I saw shoes and clothing at Perry Sport. The store here in Arnhem is going to close. 40 to 50% discount. Good cycling and sports clothing is expensive. I would therefore like to withdraw an additional 250 euros to be able to use this closing discount this week. They close in February. It is a one-time opportunity. Hence the urgency mentioned.

Perhaps the email is a bit longer than usual. Just put it in the 'cup of tea' folder addressed to His Honour, for accountability. Your Honour, with a budget surplus of more than thirteen thousand euros, what is, in the light and weighed, compared to the dark shadow of the 15,150 equity limit?

What is your answer to this?

290 Fridge

360 Bed mattress

200 Bedding

600 Laminate

300 Curtains & Roller blinds

300 Paint and accessories

400 Camping budget

250 Clothing budget

Total +/- 2400.

I'll hear from you Rob.



Arnhem February 2025
Never received a substantive answer³

Cecilia Cicoria
A New Refrigerator


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