Transcript Ráçida

October 2022

Rachida is a Case Manager for Work and Income at the municipality of Arnhem.

The Letter
📚 Dutch Version
📚 English Version

Hi Rachida,

Thursday is not convenient.

May I suggest that we move to Thursday the 8th?

And then you should also know that I have now

Filed a complaint against Spierings bewindvoering, for [Forgery.]

Furthermore, I must honestly admit that I may not have given you the

back to my background in our first conversation. There are several reasons for that. If you understood me and my background better, you might teach me a little more about my background and motives.

I would like to invite you again to come and visit me at home. The city office exudes a cold, chilly atmosphere and I feel connected to warmth. The glow of the listening ear, which I would like to share with you.

Will you come by sometime for tea, with a çi̇lekli̇ çi̇kolatali?

I miss real friends in my life. Yes, that is the real loss behind my facade. The price I pay for my 'volunteer' work. Sometimes it is a bitter pill. May I say that I liked you and that you also seem like yourself. That suits us. Who we are and what we convey. I feel deeply connected to our Muslim Community in the Netherlands and far beyond.

There is so much wrong in the Netherlands. I am deeply ashamed of being born as a Dutchman for the last 25 years. Much has been destroyed. We have a lot of work to do in the coming years. The Netherlands as you know it now will never return to the way it once was after the flood.

Maybe you already know the following, maybe not, this is who I am and what has kept me busy for the past 15 years. Let me know if you come by here, at my house that is open for conversation and further acquaintance. Maybe we can convert the business segment into a circle of friends of committed people with their hearts in the right place.

I would like to hear from you if you are open on 8 Nov, regarding the guardianship. Then we will put it on hold for Christmas, that would be nice. Any day that suits you better is also possible.

Raçida a small Epilogue; Euripides' lason presents his new marriage as a pragmatic solution to give his (and Medea's) sons a better future (vv. 562-565). Verhelst's Jason even surpasses him in hypocrisy and hypocrisy: (guardianship) he asks Medea to help him "be more than a husband the man who demolishes his own house, only for the purpose of building a new, bigger house." His selfish own financial interests) So he believes Jason that "actions [ ... ] have no consequences if you just remain reasonable"?

(Hertmans, 2007: 78) and do they think they can simply brush aside Medea's injured honor? Ñtw một người bạn xả⁰0⅘⁹M⁹

This concerns the fact that Mr. Spierings, with his administration office, appropriates funds that are collected by the tax authorities of the municipality of Arnhem.

(They aim to build a new, bigger house." His selfish own financial interests) See his corrupt practice of more than 400 clients. That is 400 X 129.45 = ? It should be noted that not every municipality is paid out. So then the less fortunate are even more financially disadvantaged than you might think possible. If they had no insight into the matter that I am talking to you about here.

His self-sufficiency is the outcome of neoliberalism, the result of necropolitical choices that the irresponsible politicians have made in the Dutch parliament over the past 25 years. The voter is lied to and deceived and abused with a straight face in many areas that you, dear Raçida, probably have no knowledge of.

In the report, I already indicated years ago that Rob Spierings is not his real name. But a disguise behind the façade of his BV. Buying fictitious names and identities was still possible until recently. Only when I found out about this following one of my investigations made known in the years 2015/16 and discussed within the Cabinet meeting in the digital Trêveszaal of The Hague, it was decided, among other things, on my advocacy and authority, to block this formally inaccurate legislation. We then returned to the agenda. And the meeting was closed with a hammer.

Whether his name has been veneered, I will leave open. Pending the investigation by the Public Prosecutor. In fact, I am not allowed to interfere in that. Did you know Raçida that the Dutch state has a policy that no reports are recorded when it concerns this type of document?

See the following tatters, attached files.

The B-Hion Nucleus Laminaris,

The Mar-a-Lago papers, are hidden inside; Cold Has Come & Godless Asstauncing. Scientific Books written by the Pohofol & sinces then classified information. A child is born, unto us a son is given. Perhaps people should read more Bible classes, than watch useless TV.

My work can be found among others on. I hope so much that you can gain insight into what has remained hidden from people. I would therefore like to request you with my Goose Heart, Delicious and Bondage to make your work known with the utmost precision and involvement to your Superior, if you do become so involved in this annoying matter. This concerns Mrs. Ráçida, data from my water safety service. The AIVD and our MIVD.

It only remains for me to request you to return my affair to our joint responsibility. Our country needs you. If only there were more congregations that understood Muslims better than the Cursed State Church of an excessively strong reformed church congregation somewhere between Arnhem and The Hague.

With confidence, I remain waiting to see if you will come and enjoy my offered çi̇lekli̇ çi̇kolatali. Because you know, my time is too precious to come to your village centre.


Bernhard Hol

Arnhem February 2025
Never received a substantive answer³

Cecilia Cicoria
 Full transcript Ráçida


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