Thank you for listening, Sir.
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Letter to President Barack Obama
Dear mister,
President Barack Obama,
Good day Sir,
I’m Bernhard Hol from the Netherlands.
Let me begin to say I am especially considered on both strange thing’s to overhear in Holland. I’m blessed to the truth. Special honored to be addressing of our brave men and women serving in the armed forces and in diplomatic posts around the world. You may be thousands of miles away, but you are always in my thoughts. I like the States very much. There is Honor and Dignity. All that kind of thing that is not the case overhead in the Dutch. This is the case with the Political Party, the VVD. Where a tiny minority always stayed on top, and no one else even had a chance.
This tiny minority is corrupt like Hell and is not telling and serving the truth. This is also the Case with members of the Political party the SP. Corruption is eating at the highest level of Government. On my blog you can find the names and the faces of members of our Government, but these are only the top layers of the Corruption. You will find Corruption in all kinds of layers of our controllers in the middle class and above the middle class. A lot of people work for the VVD in Government Jobs.
There is also a lot of Corruption in our banks. There is a lot of corruption in our Jurisdiction and they are not dealing with the truth. They are just doing what the VVD said. And there is no room for really right judgment in many cases. In my case, there are a lot of things that are going wrong and there is no ear left for me to get my Rights on a lot of things.
The last 5 years of my life, I have to deal with these creeps. Time after time in almost Every time there are “sucking and fucking” around with my Rights and with the good meanings. I try a lot to give them solutions. To give them good ideas, and I give them time after time my trust to come to an agreement on “The rights of Thoth.” Again after again, they are giving shit about the agreements and gentleman agreements. This is the case in our Government level but also on City hall level. There are no trustees in any case I’ work on with them for the last 3 years.
Many times I give the Police and the Prosecutor my cases, but never ever things chance The holding evidences back and even corrupt lawyers holding back my case. These must be stopped That is WY I’m writing these emerge y letter from my hometown Arnhem. When you read me microblog, I’ try many times to face them with the truth, butt they are terrible boys. They think the truth is not right. Well, dear mister President, is this the case? Is the truth not honest, and is the truth really not serene in the Netherlands? I ask you and your Government to help me out of these bad dreams. A horrible truth is waiting over here in the dirty Dutch mountains.
How is this possible? And is this in front of the many problems that we have to face in front of all the debt in the EU. If this is the case, are we then not running away from these problems? The truth is always there and everybody has to deal with the truth, but think over here in the Dutch they think you can screw everybody. But that’s not the case with me. I’m always somebody that’s against all kinds of things that’s working against the truth. The VVD and their behave-re are just telling lies after lies. And they are totally blind against critics, and their stock is just lied after lie. Nothing on their beaver is right, everything is wrong and bad on the Policy of the VVD in the Netherlands.
In my personal case is P.M. Mark Rutte is also involved in many ways. What can I tell you more about the specific case that I have to deal with ? There is Corruption after Corruption. And is there then really nobody to help me and the Dutch country out? Still, I believe in the good things and there is the truth waiting on me. If this is yesterday, our tomorrow, or in the future, the real truth is always behind every lie. The truth is always faster than the lie. Can you imagine that this is the case in your one Government with so much corruption? No, there is Law and Order in the United States of America. Land of hope and Glory. But overhear is just 'Dirt and Tagger. Dark and no words to describe the horror we have to face every day. Not only me, but on behalf of all the good and honest Dutch people over here, I’ ask your help and hope you help while investigating things over here.
In the past, there was a time after World War II. The Americans came to the Netherlands and to the EU countries with the Marshall plan. My personal meaning is that there is again such as a new Marshall plan needed to help the disturbed people over here. To end the terrible Corruption and to help the Netherlands again with “Honesty Dignity” and I’ hope you mister President have Time and the Goods to help us out of our miserable lives over here. Not all the people over here needed these kinds of things. Just the small, tiny minority of the VVD in the Netherlands must stop right away. They are a dis grease in our Parliament. They are a disgrace in all kinds of jobs where they are giving leading positions on the top and on a lower scale in our country.
There is too much going one over-here. Too much, we can not handle anymore. Too many people get infected with the wrong things in life. The wrong things God never wanted that’s harping on over here. Yes, I'm really shaming myself for being a Dutch gay if these still exist in the near future. It's a bloody shame. Nothing in life has any purpose when things have not gone by chance. Nothing in the world is therefore more important than that we find solutions to end these terrible times in the Dutch.
Dear President, America is an exceptional country because of your belief that every life, at every stage, is precious, and that everyone everywhere has a God-given right to go as far as their talents and hard work will take them. That is WY I’m writing you and your administration this letter. I’ hope that the real truth comes out one day. I did my best and my job over-here, There was not a single moment that I have not trusted in the past. But my thoughts and my point of view are going behind the past and have everything to do with the future. I believe in the future without corruption and without all the lies that we have to deal with over here in the Dutch.
My thoughts and my faith are going across borders, going behind the past and going into the future. That future is the most important end thing for the Netherlands. The European Union and the world of tomorrow In the Past, our nation the Netherlands has always faced great challenges. Now let that hope bring us together again.
Let us solve the challenges of our time and let's write the next chapter in the amazing story of our good relationship between two nations, The United States of America and the Netherlands overseas.
Thank you for listening, Sir.
May God bless You,
May God with you in all the time that you are President of the United States of America.
With the best warm Regards,
D.J. Bernhard Hol