CV War & Kingdom Education

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Recording to my puddle pool teachers, Myself should have a very (LOW) average to virtually almost no work experience. Working was certainly not my hobby. What I did do was keep my eyes peeled everywhere, and had to take whatever me, myself and I could help me further.

Aim, extremely autodidact so to speak/ What also played a part in my life, was that mediocre labour epic, is the fact that money was of little or no interest for me. Myself was satisfied with little. Why want to own more, if it only makes you unhappy, was his approach. 

What I really wanted was living in the footsteps of Francis of Assisi and reading books about him. People have asked where do I come from and where did he go to school, as I have tried to be formulated this in some other bio analyses.

Puddelpool school 1969 - 1972

Yelling at the teachers, B.

Believe it or not, but I was strapped to the toddler chair as a toddler and placed right in front of the teacher. My mouth was taped shut, and I was not allowed to say anything. The teacher told my mother that I was, unmanageable³

St. Joseph School 1971 - 1978

Pastoor van de Loo school Arnhem

War & King Education School Library

Six years of primary school, where I was regularly thrown out of class in every class and had to wait in the corner of the hallway opposite the school library until the class was allowed to go home. I used the hundred free lessons per year from about the third year of primary school to read books about the Second World War. I was also more than average interested in Robinhood stories and about kings and queens. I was also very much at home in my own books that I borrowed from the local children's library, of which I was fortunately a member.

Catholic MULO School (KSA) 1978 - 1982

Katholike Scholengemeenschap Arnhem

Steelwork for Factorie

Four years of lower technical education I did the lowest level of the three levels I learned how to spot weld in a factory, learned how to weld, and I learned how to deform steel into fences. I wanted to become a blacksmith and was often in the practical classroom. Those were fun days. In addition, I had music lessons and German language lessons in my exam year I did Physics as an extra subject because I was interested in space and time. And when I was allowed to take my papers home in the afternoon, my parents were less happy with the grades. I didn't care, I went out to play football with friends in the street. Furthermore, I liked Talking Heads Frankie Goes to Hollywood and other 80 hits at that time. Dictator from Centerfold was Prime video.

And indeed as everyone does at this age. Me, myself and I must confess, we have masturbated on daily bases. The time between 1982 and 2013 will be given later open communicated appointment these days.

Recording to my puddle pool teachers, Myself has very (LOW) average to virtually almost no work experience. Working was certainly not my hobby. What I did do was keep my eyes peeled everywhere, and had to take whatever me, myself and I could help me further. Aim, extremely autodidact, so to speak. 

I became graduated with Nothing

What also played a part in my life, was that mediocre labour epic, is the fact that money was of little or no interest for me. Myself was satisfied with little. Why want to own more, if it only makes you unhappy, was his approach. What I really wanted was living in the footsteps of Francis of Assisi and reading books about him.

Nevertheless, me, Myself and I Bernd Joseph enjoyed working in the period after his school education at the grocery store on the corner. Albert Heijn. They were days from 9 to 6 but only 200 meters from my parental home.

Myself and I, Bernd Joseph has nice thoughts of the people he worked with there. Bernd Joseph was responsible for the Fruit and Vegetable department and also did the packaging for bottles and kept the warehouse tidy. Truly a dream job. 

After the Albert Heijn period, I decided to quit on the spot in 1986, because I had had enough of this supermarket. After returning from a drinking holiday on the Canary Islands, I decided to quit from one day to the next and simply stopped showing up. After all, my friends were also unemployed and why should I continue working. No sooner said than done, and after my dismissal I contacted the municipality of Arnhem to provide for myself. That lasted for about half a year, my wanted me to go to work and to please him and get rid of the hassle, I then started working at a specialist greengrocer: Van Vliet Groente en Fruit. That lasted for about half a year, my wanted me to go to work and to please him and get rid of the hassle, I then started working at a specialist greengrocer: Van Vliet Groente en Fruit (Vestibules and fruits).

My last paid job was in the period 2004-2007, where Bernd Joseph was a flying keeper at a fast-growing company that, even at that time, was too small for the philosophy that Bernd Joseph has always had. Working is not fun, especially if you are being underpaid, this to my former Boss, Eldan. As you know, then it will soon be the end. Creeps like you, we don't need them any more. Perhaps is this why my heart lay more to the other prime office George, who have teach me how to become a decent people's manager.

What did Bernhard over there? 

Well Eldon there is nothing left to apply for in the old world. We, me and the tree Irades and I, We are looking for honest, sincere and authentic people in the new world, would you like to work in the new Kingdom? Write your motivation on 1 A4 without CV and send this to and who knows, you may join us on a state visit or work from home. All current people who are or were from Willem and Max are not included. And me, Myself, am not a boss, more of a people manager. Interested people?

It is a honest and free offer. Our perhaps George to find final another boss, then the creep Eldon, after so many lost years? Just let me know. About Bernhard's last paid job was in the period 2004-2007, where Bernd Joseph was a flying keeper at a fast-growing company. Bernd Joseph's unemployment is relative, he has always earned his money fairly. It's just not included in the sheets for tax reduction for technical reasons.

Undeclared work was relatively easy to find in the 1970s/1990s. Bernd Joseph has two very handy hands and has done many home renovations. Gas, Water, Electricity, it's no problem, with his technical skills. He has also done much other work, that is in line with the gardener that his father was. Bernd Joseph has maintained many gardens of wealthy businessmen. He also has many painterly qualities and can provide a house with a new coat of paint. Maybe you should give him a call. Other skills Bernd Joseph has acquired include his self-taught and learned courses in computer and machine maintenance.

After those years I have worked for many companies, especially for AKZO Nobel where I have done several fabrics as an Autosome Machine Operator on Vapro A and B levels. But the AKZO Nobel company have never given me the occasion to board the school diploma or and also did not either give me a Job till the end of life, it was always one year here, and a half year there, all under fraudulent employment agencies, that steal a portion of your salary, eat it up and make scandalous stock market profits. Bernhard did receive in lieu of the requested Vapra A and B, but was actually only allowed to take exam on a heavy forklift, which was mandatory because he had to work with chemicals.

He was allowed to drive a High and Heavy Forklifts, but Bernhard have never driven a car, He owned none. Bernhard doesn't care about cars, simply he don't care. Furthermore, he is much prefer cycling. Apart from the fact that the car industry has a polluting and sickening effect on humans and animals. And all that lives under the auspices of mother nature.

The fact that Bernhard personally have felt that he no longer wanted to be exploited by dirty and obscure employment agencies, has to do with the fact that they actually skimmed off his income, and they also do not pay a pension contribution. Because of this, Bernhard have not built up a pension anywhere, in fact Bernhard have no gap, because there is nothing left. How would that feel for other people, who could still keep a pension, if the pension branches were not too selfish?

So once again Bernhard reported to the town hall, as often he did in his life, to claim a maintenance contribution regarding his life's plight and the need to be able to do groceries, just like anyone else but without work. That has worked for years in between 1981 when Bernhard have received his first free check from the townhall for a loisy minum of 316 Dutch Guildens, until today, actually. Today, January 31, 2025. He receivce still a low base income to secure his needs.

As was said by Bernhard; Working is not fun, especially if you are being underpaid. Later more about the Town Hall sequel, But in the year 2006 they're put him finally on a Reintegration project, and he did a course for administrative employee, with subjects such as word, excel, telephone handling, Office management, business administration and business correspondence. In a course of 4 months. After his exam with 8 and 7 on his paper, he had to report to the company of Eldom to solicitate for an office Job. Finnaly Bernhard joined a company in November 2004 in a Purchasing department where administrative processing was the main focus of a leading national retail distributor of Software and Games.

Within three months, Bernhard was ultimately responsible for the complete organization and backordering at the operational level of the Eldom Company. Which consisted of approximately fifty employees when he joined. After six months, his position was upgraded to Assistend Purchasing Manager, but upon the departure of the Head of Purchasing he was taken the function of Head Purchasing of the 'Edom comapanie'.

Working with the industry top in the Netherlands at a national level. In a fantastically challenging industry. Bernhard was being allowed to make purchases for two-thirds of the market in the Netherlands, without and with the knowledge that the Eldom Company, has so far provided the successor to the departed head of the Purchasing department.

The Eldom Company has on that time large K-Accounts and provides the complete Software and Games, Game consoles and related platform hardware assortment at Mediamarkt Nederland, Kijkshop, Dixons, Dynabyte, Office Center Makro, Bol. com and every Gameshop and Computershop in the Netherlands. In order to be able to serve all these partners on time in combination with strictly monitored folder campaigns and timely stocking for the upcoming holiday season, Bernhard has to check the outstanding values of all our purchase orders daily.

The Eldom Company had on that time a worldwide network of industry-related suppliers and publishers. As a result, Bernhard where in daily contact with many internationally renowned and listed companies, such as Microsoft, where the Eldom Company, has negotiated exclusivity on the total Dutch distribution of the ® Microsoft Xbox Xbox 360 and Xbox Games. In addition, the Eldom Company business did directly buisness with almost all self-respecting software & game producers in the world.

Therefor Bernhard was daily in contacts with companis such as Symantec, McAfee, Scansoft, Corel, but also Game industry-related companies such as Electronic Arts, Nintendo, Sony, Atari, Ubisoft, Vivendi, Trust, Altech Lansink, and countless others. Initially, Bernhard have mainly also tribute to several solution-oriented issue approaches.

Bernhard have try to monitor and prevent "hold" situations by initiating early escalation procedures. To this end, Bernhard have many business discussions with almost all suppliers and I defend the Eldom Company interest at all times. Inventory management and correct loading, and the creation of win/win situations are mainly important.

Between all these open lines of communication, internal projects run in which Bernhard have acquired a substantial company share in the formulation and preparation of work procedures, defined according to the development and progress of applicable system improvements within the Eldom Company, own maintained network and database management, in which Bernhard have always looking for inventive ICT solutions with applicable functional efficiency increasing methodologies.

Bernhard did this Job for a lousy 1700,-gross A month and with the taxes off 1404,- net a month. In the pursuit of increasingly service-oriented services for the benefit of the tactical purchasing side, Bernhard was able to realize a new Fulfillment department that he have takes care of the operational activities of the purchasing administration within the Purchasing department. The staff for this was partly recruited at his request.

All this within a team of highly valued colleagues, in which Bernhard have work closely with the Director and the General Manager in a pleasant and warm manner. Two special people, Eldom and George, to whom Bernhard owe a great deal of gratitude. He have lay down this very stressful and hectic job in a turnover of countless emails, and personal and/or telephone contacts per day. The frog from the other side ask to the reader; How was your regualir office today? Till that day, the day Bernhard have left the Eldom Company. And that was in the summer of 2007 when Bernhard become broke and stuck in the middle of nowhere.

The frog from the other side answerd to the reader; This could happen every day. After to recovery years, Bernhard went to the secret underground and was able to contact his Majesty the Queen of the Netherlands, Queen Beatrix. At your Service Mom, Bernhard have said to here; 'aim Dicky from Arnhem. And so it went that he on those days took office in the Secret Service armed and did his investigations in private and in collaborations, with the Dutch AIVD the British GHCQ and Langley to. Bernhard have never wanted to officially claim a paid employment relationship. Bernhard thought that an allowance was more than enough to provide for his living hood.

This apart from the fact that if something happened during his dangers' hospital examinations, the services could then say that they had never known Bernhard. from 2009 till today From 2014 till today 31 January 2025 His Occupation today Head of the Federal State of Zederlardz Federal State of Zederlardz Head of State 2014 - 2025 Aim the Phohofol Holvixhart your desired new Rooted King.

My real name is Bernhard Hol. Now you know who is actually talking here. Because nothing is more important than being honest to the people I deserve. But more to serve you all on dignity and decency. Open, Transparent and a true follower, in the light of our Lord. Amen.

Cecilia Cicoria
War & Kingdom Education


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