Words for my friends at Papagano


Aaltje van Zweden-van Buuren has done superb and warmth work, especially on remarkable progress through the Papageno Foundation. Where the Zweden-van Buuren family have done so much to warm to his own son, who is autistic.

Both Jaap and Aaltje witnessed firsthand how music could help children with autism connect with the world around them. Music therapy programs that help autistic children develop communication skills and emotional expression. The Papageno foundation was created based on her and Jaap's personal experience with their son Benjamin. It's touching how Aaltje has turned her family's personal experience into such a positive force for others. The foundation's work shows a deep understanding of how music and creative arts can serve as a bridge for connection and development, especially for those who might struggle with traditional forms of communication. May both Jaap and Aaltje be blessed by the greatness of courses. They have also doing well especially Jaap. The classical music world often sees planned transitions in leadership as conductors move between different orchestras or take on new challenges. Music, delivered with an open heart, can work wonders. Wondering who are the leaders in politics with rats on their balls and what could they learn between Paganini and Papagano.


Cecilia Cicoria
Some words for my friends at Papagano


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